

my SO went on a business trip (with 2other guys and 2 women) this week and we don’t have a lot of $ (3 kids and a budget). My birthday is in two days and he has had time ( months) to plan something because I wanted to be surprised (get a sitter for the kids and do something nice). He gets back from his trip tomorrow and I check my account this morning(joint checking) which he over drafted (not by a lot but still) and there is a charge from a strip club. I asked him about the over draft and he said he needed gas. So he wasn’t going to tell me about the strip club..i ask him about the charge to the strip club and he says “ I drank a couple beers and it’s no different from porn.. I don’t mind porn that has never been an issue it’s just a movie. But a strip club that’s different. Women stripping and rubbing their bodies on him.. that is what I’m uncomfortable with.. Hell I wouldn’t mind going to one with him because I know once we got home I would have a hell of a good time. Now since we have an overdraft because he went to the club he will have nothing planned for my birthday because he spent the $ he could of used to do something nice for me and it will be “just another day”! Not going to lie I’m pissed. Thanks for letting me vent...