Boyfriend/Baby’s Dad kicked me out.

My now ex boyfriend and I found out in February that we are expecting a peanut in October. I already have a 10 month old daughter. Well he called me while he was at work yesterday and told me he wanted me out because he can’t stop thinking about his ex wife. She wants nothing to do with him and she is happily with another man. I asked him if I could stay last night so I could figure out where my daughter and I could go today but he said it would make it harder on him. I took my daughter to her dad’s and slept in my car while my ex slept in my bed that I brought in his house for us. I ended up starting to have bad cramps so I went to the ER panicking. Everything was fine they just said I was badly dehydrated and stress wasn’t helping. I’m ok with him wanting to break up with me. I’ve survived worse. But I can’t grasp the fact that he was ok with me sleeping in my car knowing I am pregnant with his child, and that he was as ok putting my daughter out like that. I could never do that to someone. His friends changed the locks on his house after I left and all of my furniture and my daughters things are there. He said one of them will let me in to get my things. He went from telling me he loved me and kissing me bye yesterday morning to breaking up with me and treating me like trash 4 hours later. Then had the audacity to say I better not keep his kid away from him. I’m a good mom. And I co parent with my daughters dad so good. Everyone knows I would never keep my kids from their dads. He’s hurt me so bad by being this way. Idk if I can handle the stress of it all.