Don’t know if this is the right group to post this on **

I’m about 38 weeks pregnant with my first baby and I’ve been hit with feeling super depressed lately. My boyfriend is never home after he comes out of work and my family keeps on assuming he’s cheating on me. He’s never affectionate anymore nor does he even consider letting me know what’s going on with him after he comes out of work. I know he wouldn’t cheat on me and I know he has stuff to do but why not consider me and my feelings about my pregnancy and how i just want love and affection. I feel like he doesn’t love me anymore or that I just don’t make him happy and I don’t know what to do. He’s never really been one to be affectionate but for a good amount of time he’d always tell me “I love you” and kiss me good bye before work, or before we go to sleep we’d kiss each other good night and hope that we sleep well and now I get nothing and it hurts. Am I overreacting?