Yet another month of disappointment and heartache

Shannon • Navy Wife ⚓ Texan ❤ Dog Mom of 2 🐶 TTC #1 👶

Yet another month of getting my hopes up on getting a positive test, only to be let down. I'm honestly at my breaking point. Plus my husband leaves for deployment any time now, making my stress 100x worse. We've been trying for about 2 1/2 years now, off and on obviously because he goes on months long deployments every 3 months or so. His birthday is on saturday, and I was hoping to give him a baby as a birthday present, but yet again I am a failure. I'm just feeling so down and alone, I have no one to talk to about it really, I haven't really told anyone that we are trying because it'll just put even more pressure on us. I'm just tired of all the tracking, peeing on sticks, praying and getting my hopes up, only to have it come crashing down; and then having to restart the same cycle over in a couple weeks.