Long Story ❤️

Kyla • Mother to a 5 yo boy💚, a 2 yo nicu warrior baby girl💖and a 3 mo boy 💙

Lately Ive been feeling completely pushed to my limit. My so and I just moved within half a weeks time. I found the place, packed everything while he worked, unpacked, did paper work, EVERYTHING. Waking up at 530-6am everymorning to take him to work so i Can run around trying to get us registered as new state citizens. Mind you im 17 and 32 weeks pregnant.

I realized lately i havent had the time to appreciate just how far Ive come. I remeber when i was 14, i decided to get on the implant because my mother said i would be terrible mom and i could never do it. I wasnt planning on 17 being the year i got pregnant but i love my little boy so much! From the very beginning i was so lucky. No pregnancy symptoms besides my boobs enlarging, no morning sickness until 12 weeks and even then it was only two or three mornings. My mother is arranging the baby shower for next week and she can hardly tell anyone anything i need because i wanted to be prepared. Every penny we make goes toward bills and our son. Its hard to believe he will be here in 7 weeks if on time, or sooner. Ive been so tired and sore i dont think Id let him stay much longer than his due date though🤷🏻‍♀️😍 i cannot wait to meet this wonderful baby my boyfriend and I have made together. Tate Riker, Mommy and Daddy love you! Thank you for believing in me when no one else did❤️