Coughing baby-is this normal?


I feel like the answer to this is “yes it’s normal” because that always seems to be answer when I ask questions. BUT... this is something new. My baby is 10 months old and up to date on all of her vaccinations. Which means she was vaccinated for whooping cough. I probably shouldn’t have googled it but I did and here we are. My LO is working her way through a cold. Stuffy/runny nose, coughing with mucous in her chest, not mug of an appetite. She is nursing well and often but refusing a bottle most of the time. I’ve gotten her to take some water here and there to help thin everything out but just not much. She seems overly tired too, which we’ll who doesn’t when they’re sick? However yesterday morning she began acting very sleepy so I nursed her a little and laid her down for a nap. As soon as I put her down she started coughing and whining. I picked her up to comfort her the poor thing and next think you know she coughed so hard she gagged herself and spit up all her milk. Last night she was in her high chair and I was trying my best to get her to eat something. She started coughing and spit up again (just a teeny tiny bit) but it didn’t look like milk this time, it was yellow/white and just probably the partially digested crackers she had eaten? This morning she was eating her yogurt (a whole 3 bites is all I could get her to eat) and she did it again! The first time I wasn’t so concerned just figured oh it happens. But now she’s spit up a little 3 different time. When I googled it, it said that’s a huge symptom of whooping cough (spitting up from coughing, lack of appetite, fatigue, and all the common cold symptoms). But she was vaccinated... is that even possible to get it if your vaccinated? When shes gotten rest she’s very playful and happy, so not like she’s miserable and I feel like as long as she’s nursing well she’s okay? Also she’s been sleeping well at night with only waking once for some boob so she’s getting good rest...

Im probably just over reacting and shouldn’t have googled it huh?