I can’t choose between my old crush or new crush help!!

Hi guys I’m 17 and in my second last year of school in Ireland before I go to college! In the last year I’ve gotten closer to a guy in my year(let’s call him Tim) who I realized I like, I was also close with his best friend(let’s call him Joe) and I told joe I liked Tim, and joe told me he thought Tim liked me too. I’ve never been the most popular in school because I’ve struggled a lot with anxiety but in the last year I’ve gone through a lot and dropped “friends” who turned out to not really being very good Friends and I’ve gained a lot of confidence with the new friend group I’m in, and a lot of the popular older guys in school have started talking to me. Tim was always popular and now I think he’s starting to see me for me. But he still hasn’t said anything to me about liking me so The last night I went to a party I really wanted to tell him but joe corned me and told me he had liked for like a year. That really surprised me because I started to think about my feelings for joe and now I don’t know which one I like more. I’ve decided I’m going to tell Tim I like him at the next party in 2 weeks, and I really hope if he doesntlike me it still won’t mess up our friendship because overall that’s what I love the most. I love being friends with them both, and I don’t know if I’m making the right decision, what do you guys think(sorry for the long paragraph I just needed to get it off my chest) xx

* I forgot to mention me and John went to primary or elementary school together so we’ve know each other for years and I had a huge crush on him from when I was like 8-12 and Tim is also very laidback and shy so he wouldn’t be very forward in admitting feelings but I had a crush on him from like age 13-17