Ava Bracelet users?? Need help with temps please!


I've posted my charts a few times already but can't get any answers, hoping someone sees this and can help? I just started using the Ava bracelet for BBT, it's easier for me bc I wake up at different times with my 2 year old daughter currently. I used OPK's and also based on my BBT, both Glow and FF all say I ovulated on CD 14, at 4dpo I had a massive drop in temp, below coverline, and it rose very slightly today at 5dpo, but it's still just below coverline. Could this be related to how the Ava tracks bbt? Or are two days of low temps normal for an estrogen surge? I have a 12-13 day LP normally, so I'm not sure if i would have issues with progesterone? Does anyone have any info on LP temp dips below cover line? Thank you!