Why does she get to keep the baby?

Liz • Married to the most amazing man. TTC our rainbow baby. Naomi Grace miscarried December 3rd 2027. 💔

After 2 years of TTC, I decided to go to my GYN (after several years. Bad I know.) and we did blood tests and were starting infertility testing. Surprise! I got a positive pregnancy blood test! Best news ever! Well, 4 days later, I miscarried. At the same time, my husband’s cousin and his wife get pregnant and announce. Now she and I have a rough relationship. She’s not the nicest person. I really try to be nice to her, but she makes it so hard. The whole family cannot stand her. She tries to compete with me with everything. Shes due almost the same exact day I would’ve been. At Easter, she kept complaining about how rough it was and it was all anyone could talk about. Meanwhile, I’m in the corner holding back tears, because I’m empty inside. All I keep asking myself is why does she (this horrible person) get to keep hers and I don’t?! I don’t hate her or resent her. But I’m just so frustrated. I’m TTC again and it’s been almost 5 months. I’m on CD32. I had a negative test several days ago. I’m afraid to test again. I don’t feel very pregnant but I don’t have my usual PMS symptoms either. It just feels like everyone around me can sneeze and get pregnant. I’ve heard all the advice I could ever hear. Just needed a safe place to get it out. Thanks ladies.