Wtf is going on with my body? (TMI)

So this post is FULL of TMI but I am so confused.

So Sunday was my due date and over the weekend I kept seeing clear mucus when I would wipe after going to the bathroom. But no contractions or anything.

Monday morning I wake up and I see some pinkish tinged discharge when I wipe and there’s a chunk of blood at the bottom of the toilet. It’s pink and red. So I think “sweet my mucus plug is gone!” No more blood all day. Contractions about once an hour until 2pm then none at all.

Monday night I’m going to bed and I wipe and there’s brownish discharge. Not a ton of it but it’s brown. So I wear a big pad to bed in case my water breaks over night or I have a bloody show or both. I’m thinking maybe the bloody show is coming?

I wake up at 3am and there’s more reddish brown discharge. Ok this must be my bloody show.

Tuesday all day I have very light brown discharge all day long. But none of it is heavy enough to even hit the liner I wore all day. There was one tiny spot. It’s like when I am at the tail end of period.

Tuesday night I start cramping. Textbook period like cramps that are down low. No full belly tightening like a contraction. It also isn’t coming in waves. Combined with the cramping is the urge to poop (though I went several times Tuesday). So I sit in the bathroom all night and feel the cramps and have the most painful gas. Everytime I though I was going to poo, I just fart. It’s been awful.

In addition now big chunks of brown mucus are coming out as I wipe. There is some reddish tinges to the discharge but it is def brown mucus.

I’ve sort of been able to sleep but I’ve definitely had cramps alllll night long and have been SO uncomfortable.

I told my midwife about the bleeding and spotting and cramping. She says my body is getting ready for labor and she is not concerned since the blood is not bright red and I’m not in serious pain. I agree with her but has anyone else experienced days long loss of the mucus plug or bloody show? I’m just so tired already... now I’m scared to go into real labor.