Daytime Nap/Routine??? 😴

Amanda • 35 | Vivian Lee 9/11/2017 & Henry Lee 4/24/2019 👧🏼💗💙👶🏻

So finally aiming to get LO on schedule. Kinda happening naturally now that she’s sleeping through the night. Taking 3 naps a day. First 2 and still pretty random in length. Last one is consistently 30min cat nap to get through dinner and make it till bedtime.

However my “ideal” nap time schedule goes out the window when she decides her wake time is 1hr earlier in the morning. 😱 What do you all do when this happens? Bump everything up or try to stretch out wake times to stick close to the nap times that work??

For example this is her “typical” schedule.

7/730am - wake up and nurse then I eat my breakfast and exercise while she plays

9/930am - nap time (I jump in shower) which is still 30-90min who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️ if it’s only 30min I try to extend it on me by rocking. 45-60min I know she won’t go back to sleep so then I just nurse and we get ready for lunch and playtime after.

1230/1pm - nap time and she’s been doing better with this one. Sometimes 2hrs in her bed. Again if it’s short I extend it on me by rocking. I try to get this nap to last till 230pm. So then we nurse and play and do whatever till last cat nap.

5pm - 30min cat nap. Then up to nurse and get dinner ready. And play and/or bath time before bed

8pm - nurse for bed. Asleep about 830/845pm

So she’s sleeping about 10hrs a night. Give or take if she falls asleep sooner or wakes up sooner. It’s range is 9.5-11.5

However on these rare occasions that’s seemingly are happening more and more. She’s been waking up at 645 or 630 or even 615 😩 but then I leave her lay there cause she’s quiet and I think maybe she’ll fall back to sleep 🤞🏼 but 75% of the time she does not and I waste up to an hour of her morning wake time lol. Which then throws her whole nap/day schedule off. So what do I do??? Try to keep her up till 9am still but that’s a 2.5+ hr wake time. Or nap her at 8am which seems crazy. Then she would be up from morning nap sometimes by 9am. 😂 who wants lunch at 9am... then every other nap will be earlier and bedtime too. Problem is I can’t put her bed earlier. My husband would literally never see her. He sees her about 1hr before she goes to bed. If I put her to bed at 7pm he’d see her 15min.

I know everyday is different. But when trying to “stick to a routine” and first nap of the day is important. What’s best for those random early wake ups. And/or what does your days look like? 🤔