Long journey trying to conceive now finally a glimpse of hope! Looking for cycle buddies who have been through similar.. here is my story!!


I have suffered with infertility since I was 18 (32 now 😬) it started with pelvic inflammatory disease which caused damage to my Fallopian tubes. I had an operation which had apparently fixed this... I was told early on getting pregnant would be difficult so I started trying at an early age as I knew I wanted a baby no matter what. Anyway fast forward a few years of BD with no contraception and I all of a sudden become very ill and am rushed to hospital. Whilst at the hospital I am congratulated by the nurse there as I was pregnant... it turned out that it was an ectopic pregnancy, so I then lost my Right Fallopian tube as well as my little bean. As I was still only in my early 20’s I just kind of thought that it would happen naturally even though I had only my Left Fallopian tube left! Fast forward a few years I then went back to the infertility specialist and it was decided that I would have a laporoscopy (lap and dye) to see if my tube was open and how my womb and ovaries were looking. It turned out that my remaining tube was blocked and my ovaries were slightly polycystic. I then was put on the waiting list for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. A couple more years go by and I finally hear the good news that i was eligible for two rounds of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a>. So I had the first round and everything seemed to have gone well but we ended up with a BFN! I wasn’t too worried as we had another round to go!! We never got the second go as Bournemouth <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> was shut down due to investigations we couldn’t afford at the time to go for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> privately so I constantly researched online and eventually came across a doctor who unblocks Fallopian tubes (without surgery) - please do ask if you would like more info. Anyway the good news after this procedure was that my tube was successfully unblocked- (the blockage was at the womb end) We continued to have sex with no contraception (I haven’t used contraception in 14 years!) Then fast forward another year or two and I split from the partner I had been with for ten years!! Luckily a year or so after the break up I met my soulmate! 🎉 I explained to him in the beginning about my fertility issues and we have NEVER used protection. So this brings us to the present day and we are married and so so want to complete our family with a child of our own. (He has a daughter) so we are therefore not entitled to <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> in the nhs which I feel is unfair as I don’t have any children myself!! I have been going through the mill with the nhs over the last year, paid for a HSG privately and was told that my remaining tube was now blocked at the end near the ovary and they have now booked me in for another lap and dye on 10th April 2018 but there is a ‘chance’ that they may be able to fix the ovary end of the Fallopian tube but if not they are going to take my tube out. UPDATE.... I have now had this operation and the doctor said that he didn’t need to fix the tube, he said that initially when he was putting the dye through it was dripping slightly out abut like a tap! He then put more pressure on the dye liquid and all of a sudden the dye came splashing out!! Which means it is open. He showed me a picture of my tube after the op and it has adhesions and is stuck to my intestines.... he said that I basically have a three month window to get pregnant!!it is exciting to be able to give it a go and have a glimpse of hope. It is so hard to get my hopes up though after all of the hurt over the years. If it doesn’t work out then Obviously then we will be going down the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> route. All I know is that I don’t want to give up although every month I dread AF turning up and just think Will this EVER happen for us!!??? Sorry to waffle on... I haven’t posted before! I am looking for some cycle buddies to share this trying journey with maybe I can share some of the things I have learnt over the past 14 years...I have certainly researched enough...I should have a degree in infertility lol!!! Thank you for reading xxx