36+3 Days Being Induced

Demetriana • My Husband And I Are 24, We've Been Married For 3 Years. We Have 2 Beautiful Children and Baby Gummy Bear On The Way!!

So I went to the hospital because I was concerned with the headaches I’d been having! Well at my last appointment my bp was 156 so they told me to call if the headaches continue so I did, I go in and they start monitoring my pressure and it’s good!!!! Then it started to go up then before I knew it, it was back up to the 150’s so they kept me over night! Throughout the night my pressure was great and then when I woke up it went up to 140, so my ob said that they are going to keep me until I’m 37 weeks and then they’ll induce me!!!! I’m so nervous I’ve never had my babies this early! Will I get to hold my baby when he comes out? will he be ok? It’s a lot right now!!!!