Baby is here! **EDIT**

Lockwood 💆🏽 • Mom of 5 amazing kiddos

So as some may know, my original EDD was May 5. At my 36 week appt, which was two weeks ago) my midwife decided to send me for one more scan at my 37 week appt just to get a look at baby. So Tuesday, I went in for my appt and that’s when I learned that my fluid levels were low and that baby was smaller than she should be at 37 weeks, suffering from IUGR. They estimated her to be around 4lbs so because of that and my elevated bp, they decided to go ahead and get her out. So they sent me straight to L&D; to be induced. I got in at 3pm and hooked up to the pitocin around 4 and baby made her grand entrance at 3:48 am on Wednesday morning (4/18). Labor was pretty easy up until about the last 30 minutes or so (contractions were bearable up until then) before giving birth. She was out with three good pushes. She weighed in at 4lbs 10oz and 17 inches long. She’s doing well and nursing like a champ (when she isn’t sleeping. Lol). We didn’t expect to be having a baby this week but we’re so happy she’s here and our whole family is so in love ❤️.

**Her name is Yuri Amiyah 😊**