Kylie at Coachella- Edited!


So before you say "who cares I hate the Kardashians/Jenners" please think of this as a broader question if you must.


Since this was already discussed let's just ignore the paragraph below and discuss how amazing her hair was!! 😂😭💕

Like, perfection!

Ya'll can get this moved if you want, I'll be deleting in a bit! 🤦🏻‍♀️😂****

Kylie Jenner has gotten some mad hate on her going to Coachella for the weekend. People mostly saying something along the lines of "she should be home with her baby!". My child is a few weeks older than Stormi, and I personally wouldn't go out without her yet (mostly due to end), but I think it's absolutely HORRID that people are mom shaming her!! If you want to have a night off, then you should be able to without judgement! Her child has many family members and nannies who are well qualified to watch her- she was in good hands for sure.

What do you think, though? Should moms be able to go to social events without judgement? How early is too early to go out after having baby? Do parents deserve nights out?

Also why didn't other parents get flack? There were many celebrity parents out and about, why just shame her?

Also may I say I thought she was delivering such a look!! Like slay momma! Idc if you agree, I'm for it!