Needs words of wisdom?? 🙁


I’m real nervous. I won’t get into detail of all my symptoms, but I’ll just say it has been long going....

I finally got to a doctor that really wanted to look into my symptoms. I ended up wearing a heart holter monitor for a few days. It recorded what my heart was doing during this time.

I went in to the doctor again to take it off and wasn’t expected to do anything else, BUT she wanted to see me because she got results back already (apparently because they were urgent).

I didn’t really get good word as to what is going on, but she was concern d. Somethings not right with my heart. It’s beating fast and doing some funky things. She sent me to a hospital to get an echocardiogram done.

He got it done and I was suppose to get a call the next day with results. It has been just over a week already and haven’t heard anything. I’ve called asking and they told me they don’t want to tel me anything until they talk to the cardiologist specifically. Also she said it’s not something she would want to tell me over the phone...

Finally the cardiologist nurse called me today. I originally had an appointment made on May 14 to see him. She called to say they talked to the cardiologist and he wants to see me sooner. They got me in on Monday next week.. that’s like 3 weeks earlier.

Super nervous as I have NO IDEA what they will tell me. I don’t have any bad guy feelings, but I didn’t either when I got results back from the holter monitor..

Any ideas? Words of wisdom? I’m only 19 and just had a baby, engaged and I have so much to live for still!!

I really wish they could just say something!! Tell me it’s not a huge deal to worry about and we’ll talk on Monday. Or go ahead and tell me it’s something pretty serious so they will talk to me Monday. But I get nothing. I have no clue