Biracials taking over? text included

This conversation was between a friend of mine and her sister. Their mother is Trinidadian and father is Afro Latino. They were born and raised over here so they were raised by their father because mom went back and stayed in Trinidad when they were 9 and 11. I got permission before posting these texts and already blocked out any personal info. I have biracial kids and I knew people had a problem but I didn’t know for some the problem was this big. Apparently my friends sister picked my friends kids up from school because she had car trouble and these were the text that followed after she picked the kids up

So there is no confusion the gray is my friends sister and the green is my friend. I am bothered by her sisters way of thinking especially since my kids have actually been around her and it makes sense because she never really said anything to them besides hi and wouldn’t let her kids play with them. She’d always make her kids come in the house when I’d take my kids over to my friends house and she was there and she’d always have some BS excuse about why they suddenly had to leave. It all makes sense now. It’s sad that people still think this way in 2018