Mother-in-law issues


My husband and his mother have a weird relationship and he doesn’t see anything wrong with it. She texts him stuff like, “Good morning my sweet boy I have you have a great day and I love you more than life itself” or “good night my honey I love you sleep well and dream sweet.” They text everyday all day long and I always feel like I’m on the outside of their relationship. I’ve talked to him about to multiple and he thinks that because he has two friends that have moms that do the same thing it’s normal. I love his mom, I just wish she would stop treating him like he’s 5 and give him and us some space. She likes to come to our house unannounced and it makes me so mad. While she’s at our house she caters to my husband and complains that she’s always cooking and cleaning and I never ask her to do anything. He asks her and she wants to do everything by herself to please him. It hits a nerve in my body and idk why it bothers me so much all the time! I wish it didn’t bother my, but it does and every time I talk about it with him he doesn’t hear where I’m coming from or see the underlying issues. Is this something I should talk to her about or try to let it go?