

I’m 8 weeks and I know I’ve got some time ahead of me, but when it’s that time to deliver I want to have an all 100% natural birth. No drugs or anything. Ive heard about how painful it is and everyone is saying I’m going to want to get an epidural. I’ve had really bad menstrual cramps that were unbearable but I pulled through and I wonder if that’s what is going to feel like. So those who have delivered all natural and those who haven’t please let me know your experience, pain free or not.

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Posted at
It’s like period cramps x1000, while pushing out a watermelon, while someone is holding a blowtorch to your vagina.


Lexus • Apr 20, 2018
Ouch... thank you


Posted at
My friend was also set on 100% natural birth. She’s got an extremely high pain tolerance and still ended up getting an epidural (which didn’t matter in the end she needed a c-section). Haven’t went through labor yet (any day now) but I can definitely say that period cramps pale in comparison to what labor will be like...


Posted at
I’m not against a natural birth or an epidural but I just want to warn you that I wouldn’t compare pushing a baby out of your vagina to really bad period cramps...


Posted at
If you’re set on a natural birth try reading ina May’s guide to childbirth. I too want to have a natural birth. I’m 16 weeks. In the book they tell you it’s mind over matter, but who knows what were getting ourselves into. Good luck 😊


Dai • Apr 20, 2018
You’re welcome and thank you. Also I read try doing 300 squats a day it supposed to help strengthen your pelvic muscle. I’m working my way up to 300 squats so far I’ve gotten to 80 and I do them every other day.


Lexus • Apr 20, 2018
Thank you and I’ll look into that. Good luck on your journey


Posted at
you got to ignore the naysayers. I had mine natural. the last one was 12+hrs and the worst part was transition. it hurts yes, but your idea of the pain has a lot to do with it


Posted at
You can totally do it (although no shame if you change your mind)! My guy was sunny side up so I had a super long labor. I ended up needing pitocin because he wouldn’t engage to get my contractions close together. I lasted about 48 hours until I got an epidural. If not for the pitocin or the length of my labor I’m 100% sure I could’ve done it without drugs. Breathing, movement and water were super helpful while I was laboring. I’d also recommend you choose your care provider carefully. Unfortunately, many providers push interventions that aren’t necessary. If I had a regular OB versus my awesome midwives I’m 100% sure I would’ve ended up with a csection. Ugh. Also, I wouldn’t allow your doctor to break your water unless it’s medically NECESSARY! The bag of waters is essentially a protective cushion around your baby, so it not only gives them some cushion from the contractions but when it breaks is usually kicks your pain into high gear. I have no idea why so many providers are so water breaking happy. They don’t need to break before you start pushing etc! Best of luck!


Posted at
I had a completely natural home birth and it was painful of course but manageable. I'm planning on another natural birth with my baby due soon. It's really hard but It's totally doable if you really want to! Our bodies were made for this!


Posted at
Birth is unpredictable. There is no shame in getting an epidural. However, if you want to have a natural labor go for it. You can always try. Mind over matter. I wouldn’t compare the pain to period cramps though. I had kidney stones during my pregnancy and that was similar to the pain I felt during my labor and birth.


Posted at
I really really wanted an all natural birth, and my partner was all with me and my plan. It started all natural, water broke at 9:30pm, contractions started within a few minutes, called the hospital they told me to wait til the contractions got more intense. Drove to the hospital at 8:15am, they did all the tests, but only at 3-4cm. Continued walking, yoga ball, warm bath, dancing. But at 8:00pm I was still at 5cm. At this point I started to get tired, and baby started to get stressed. They started me an a drip, and recommended an epidural. The hour(felt like forever) before the epiduraldoctor came was gruesome, my SO said after that it was the only time I screamed, I don’t remember. Then I fell asleep for about two hours, woke up because I felt like I had to push, and had the baby 14minutes later. So about 24hours of natural labor, and 4hours with medication. And baby was a perfect 4kg boy. My tips, start natural, listen to your body (and midwife), be prepared that 110%natural isn’t always possible but the prize in the end is worth it either way 💚


Posted at
It’s hard, but doable! I was open to epidural, but I mostly labored at home and by the time I got to the hospital, I was very close to pushing. I also didn’t think I could sit still to get the epidural anyways so I just went natural. It was intense, but if you listen to your body and take it one contraction at a time, you can do it. For me, I think it helped to stay active during pregnancy. I also recommend “Mindful Birthing” by Nancy Bardacke. Everyone has a unique experience, and epidural is always an option, but if you’re trying for natural, I say try for it!