after birth!


ok so I had my baby the17th, induction everything went fine got discharged yesturday got home was fine, around 9 i started shivering couldnt get a hold of myself, pain in my back and 100.9 fever, called ER they said if I thought it was an emergency to go in. So I went in after 2 hours of nonstop shivering, it turned out I was over 101 in fever they put IV, draw blood and it turned out into a UTI, got antibiotics and pain medicine, well this morning around 7 the shivering and fever started again, and around 2 hours ago again called my doc, she wasnt in the office untill Monday, They said if this continue to go back to the ER or wait until Monday. Im so miserable cant even hold my new born🤕🤒😷😭😭😭😭