You know what p**ses me off? *rant, please input if you make it to the end*


So I’ve been off work a couple of weeks and had some lazy days with my husband but yesterday I returned to work and from today I’ll be working at home. Both gloriously sunny days (I don’t mind sun but I aren’t a huge fan I get too hot easily!). So I work five/six hours a day (not full time) but my husband is currently a house husband, he look after our five year old son and takes him to school etc. So today I was at work when he took our son to school then I spent an hour with him before he went to pick him up, our son come home and I do his book reading with him and change him to play out. I’m now doing the washing up. My husband has spent his morning for a walk with his Mam and then the afternoon playing games... no housework... now I can deal with that, whatever. It’s the fact he is out with the grown ups having a drink and comes in to complain about how he has being a ‘single parent’ cos I’m inside doing housework so he has to watch our son while trying to relax with the other adults (bear in mind the other adults have kids too?). I’m honestly just wtf?! I’m inside doing your fkn housework after being at work all day, 10 weeks pregnant and you’re gonna complain cos you can’t sit and drink child free with the other adults 🤦‍♀️ would it p*ss you off or am I just being irrational?