Baby name dilemma


My husband and I are expecting our second child and we are having difficulty agreeing on a name. Our first was a girl and it took us a while to agree on a name. I have always loved the name Madelyn, and although he wasn't crazy about it, we went with it. We used a name from his family tree for the middle name, so it was kind of a win win for us both. When we found out this one was a boy, he knew immediately what he wanted his son's name to be, Jackson. He loves the name and it is on his family tree. When he told me this, I said we couldn't use the name - his cousin is due with a boy 2 months after us and they already announced his name on social media as Jaxon AND my newly married little brother (who doesn't have children, wife is not pregnant, they are not trying that we know of) told me a year ago when they were still dating that they picked out the name Jackson if they ever have a boy. When I told my husband this he was devastated. I feel bad that his name was shot down, but I also can't imagine having potentially multiple children in the family with the same name or hurt feelings from "name stealing." I wanted some input as to whether we should completely take the name off of the table or revisit using it??