Need teething advice, is this normal?


My 11 month old has 6 teeth and 2 more just cut through. With her first 6 it was a breeze she barely had any teething symptoms. With these 2 teeth, the last week has been AWFUL for her. Her mouth pours drool like a faucet, she chews every thing for relief, she gets teether toys, Motrin and Tylenol, baby orajel, she's been puny with poor appetite. Here's what concerns me. At night only it turns from bad to REAL bad. She cannot sleep, she doses off 15 mins then wakes up screaming bloody murder in pain and it takes about half hour to console her get her to stop crying etc. then she goes back to sleep whimpering and then sleep 15 mins and repeat the above ALL NIGHT. She had vomited at night all the drool she swallows and she has gotten hoarse. I feel like it gets a little extreme at night and it has worried me. Is this normal??????