Baby Gender Preference


Probably this has been asked and discuss million times till now but I just feel the need to share this.

I’ve always wished for a baby girl since I was a teenager. Always said that my first kid will be a girl and she will be the best thing that happens to me.

Two years ago me and my husband decided to have a baby. I got pregnant really difficult and when I least expected it the pregnancy test was positive.

As every new mom I was getting stressed at every moment and only if I am 11 weeks, I already did 3 scans, Harmony test and million other blood tests just to make sure the baby is healthy.

But to get back on the subject, everything was planned for my baby, name, colours, every single detail. For a baby girl, of course!

Two days ago the Harmony test result arrive and the baby is perfectly healthy but guess what? It’s a boy!!!

Now the bad part comes, where for a few minutes I felt like a completely horrible future mother as I started to cry as soon as I’ve found out it’s a boy. Is like all that I imagined was falling apart.

Now I know it was a stupid emotional explosion, and I am in peace with the fact that I will be a baby boy mother.

How do you girls experienced this? Did you had a favourite gender and got the opposite?

I think I just want to know I am not the only one who felt for a few minutes like that.