subchorionic hemorrhage? does that mean ill miscarry again

Justice • son born 12-9-16👦 missed miscarriage 7-12-17 at 10 weeks👼 blighted ovum 2-5-18👼baby girl born 11-25-18👧

ive experienced 2 miscarriages in the past year. i miscarried in feb 2018 qnd got pregnant right away without having a period. im now 7 weeks 5 days pregnant. the baby looked good 2 days ago with a heartrate of 144-150. but my doctor called today and told me a have a subchorionic hemmorhage. im terrified and i dont know if this means i will lose this baby too..... :( she didnt say i needed to take it easy or anything and that my doctor will talk about it at my appointment next friday . but i have no idea what that is or if im at more risk of losing this baby too or what. please help.