D&C without general anesthesia?!? Anyone’s done it??


I am having a missed miscarriage.

I finally decided to get a d&c; rather than wait it out or take misoprostol.

My OB told me that I will be orally sedated, which means I will take an anxiolytic to help me relax and a little drowsy? There will also be numbing down there and pain meds.

This means that I will be awake during the entire procedure.

I feel very uncomfortable about the idea of staying awake. Many stories I’ve read said that they were put under for the d&c;, and didn’t remember anything. It’s hard as it is to miscarry, I don’t want to be awake for it..

I asked if I can just get general anesthesia. My OB said it’ll have to be done in the hospital OR, and I will be put on a scheduled list that could be weeks of waiting. I may just naturally miscarry by then.

If you’ve done d&c; awake, please tell me your experience! I need to make a decision...