~Pregnancy rant~


I just need to rant for a second because I literally have no one else to talk to right now and I'm super annoyed.....its just a bunch of little things but I need to spew them before I lose my mind lol. first thing. my best friend offered to do maternity photos for free to help build her portfolio, of course I agreed and they are this Sunday, I'm not super excited because I've literally been looking for perfect outfits and have bought like 6 so far, returning most of them because they either dont fit (online shopping) or I just dont feel cute in them. so yesterday, my fiance took me out to the city (we live like an hr and a half from any good shopping) and we spent all damn day finding dresses/outfits to which we had to also go to Victoria's secret to buy new bras to go with said outfits since my regular bras are too small at this point and I've been trying to hold out as long as I can because it's relatively pointless buying new bras right now but...whatever I need them so I dont have back fat exploding out in every photo. anyways. come home, exhausted and feeling defeated because even though I found some outfits I still just felt like a fat whale. so I went to bed bummed out last night. in addition I asked my friend what time she was thinking of coming down to do said photos, to which I still haven't heard a response and frankly its pissing me off. also, last night I was talking to one of my other friends, having a decently involved convo via text, and i asked her, a pretty flakey person, if she was coming to my baby shower, she immediately responded asking what day it was again (hello you have a physical invite i sent you!!!!) and when I told her she never responded and still hasnt. so that's annoying. also. my fiance is at work and I haven't been able to talk to him all day so I'm feeling super lonely, and our dogs are being fucking assholes, chasing the UPS truck down the street and back. which is great. and I'm super tired/unmotivated, can barely walk from my new found pelvic joint pain, and I've been dealing with a terribly upset stomach all day. anddddd I'm a full time nursing student with a crap ton of homework im stressing over so I just want to give up and lay on the floor in misery lol

also, this probably sounds spoiled brat-ish but I honestly dont care....no one is buying any gifts from the registry and we have so much we need so I'm kind of getting impatient/freaking out inside because I'm the type of person who likes to be prepared way ahead of time.

anyways. rant over. thanks for reading as bitch about petty things 😊