Anniversary Vacation


My boyfriend and I are leaving Monday for a 3 day beach trip for our 2 year anniversary. Back Story: at 1 year 10 months I left him because he and I were having some issues that at the time I felt like we weren't going to work through because they kept happening. I've been gone 2 months and while I've been miserable, I try not to let anyone see me that way. Him on the other hand during our relationship I didn't see much of a sensitive side. He's always been the type to seem collected no matter what. I've been told by mutual parties that he had been depressing to work with, spend time with (family and friend wise) so I talked to him to see how he was doing and for the first time it all came out. He expressed so much emotion that I couldn't hold back either. We cried and talked and for the rest of the time I've been gone we've done nothing but talk and discuss how we could work on things. We have both made and agreed to compromises that benefit both of us and feel very confident in our future. I'm honestly happier than I have been in a long time. I have never stopped loving him but i feel as though I'm falling in love with him all over again. So that's why I agreed to go on the Vacation to (late) celebrate our 2nd anniversary. I am going to surprise him by telling him I agree to move back in with him on the trip. I'm not ready to give up on all he and I have worked for if we still have a fighting chance. ❤