Pleasw review my hospital requests for guests!


Does it sound okay, not too demanding... but still straight forward?! Would you add anything? I’m not due until July but I wanted to have this prepped.

Hi all. With my due date approaching we are reaching out to you guys to help things run as smooth as possible, whether you hope to visit us in the hospital, or trickle in to visit us at home once we are discharged. We have a few requests!

1. Help us keep her healthy before her immune system has developed and can do that job for her. If you are sick, are getting over being sick, or feel like you’re getting sick please don’t visit. We know you’re excited to meet her, but the good news is a visit is for your benefit not hers, and she won’t even remember if you held her in the first couple days of her life, or not.

2. Protect yourself (and her) by being up to date on your immunizations! (What a great reminder to check if you’re current)!

3. The proud parents would like as much time as possible to bond as a family, get to know their new baby, and mom would like some rest (ha!) and healing time and to utilize resources only available to her during her (hopefully short) hospital stay. Please ask before visiting, come at an agreed upon time, don’t bring extra people with you, and resist the urge to hold and stare at our little peanut for hours on end. You’ll have her whole life to love on her, we promise.

4. Take pictures to look back on once you get home, but please don’t post her picture anywhere without our permission. We will post about her when we are ready and wish to be the first ones to do so. And we would like to keep track of where our kids’ face is being put up, as well as what we are comfortable with being posted about her for the whole world to see.

Thank you for respecting our wishes and for understanding that for such an important time in our lives and the life of our brand new baby we need to have boundaries to make this transition as smooth as possible for us. We are so blessed with all the loving and supportive people in our lives and we can’t wait for you all to be a part of her life. She is so loved already!