Confusing OPK results. Help please!

Erin • ❤️ Lenora Cassandra, born January 31 2019 ❤️

Hi everyone! My husband and I just started TTC back in January and this is my first month using an OPK. I'm using Clearblue Advanced Digital, where you can see the analog results after popping it out of the cartridge.

So yesterday I got the blank face, low fertility day and went about my day. Today, I got the blinking happy face but when I popped out the cartridge, the line looks even lighter than it did yesterday. Unfortunately I didn't take a photo of yesterday's to compare.

So I guess long story short is: Should I trust the digital results more than what I see on the cartridge?

And for good measure, here's a photo of our current baby, who's looking forward to being a big brother

Thanks in advance for any help! ❤️❤️