Is it normal to not want visitors after baby is born?

So I’m due in a couple weeks! When I had my first daughter, my SO and I lived in a different state then our family. So after she was born my mil visited for a week and a half, then after she left my fil and grandma came for a week. I felt Sooo overwhelmed with having to entertain inlaws , meanwhile I hadn’t slept or showered in a week and I’m wearing diapers. I just wanted alone time with my baby and SO. We now live in the same state as our family and I’m having anxiety about all the family wanting to come and see our baby after she’s born. Obviously I know they are just really excited, but I just want a week to heal and adjust to having a new baby again. Is it rude to ask family to wait? I know I’ll just be salty the whole time they are here because I don’t want visitors right away. How can I make my SO understand my point of view?

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