Have you ever been so betrayed

When last did you feel so worthless and betrayed, all because of a man's inflated ego. I have been diagnosed with PPD and with recovery trying to move on in life and be the best for my girl

so im a single mom, from the day I found out a little life was forming in me. The father, my boyfriend of 7 years decided to blame me for ruining his life by falling pregnant. I went through a difficult first trimester, getting severe morning sickness landing up in hospital for a week...he came to see me once in hospital. as the pregnancy progressed when I took him to a scan, he stood there on his phone emotionless when they listened to the heartbeat.

months went by and he kept on being a silent and distant, he even didnt bother to remember my due date.

alone with only myself, I carried through the pregnancy.

I have never felt so so humiliated and ashamed, I loved this moron. the shame of telling this to my family and his family doesn't know he has a child!

I went into the delivery ward alone to meet and welcome my daughter after 12 hours of labour. while daughter was being born, he found it okay to be at a wedding. my daughter is 5 months old now and I can count on one hand how many times he has come to see her...in his arrogance he refers to her as "she,little one, the child, minion, cute one and neverby her name. is it possible to have a child and tell no one??? did I ruin his life by falling pregnant as if I raped him and stole his sperm, how do you not tell especially your family that you have a child, how do you say you hurting when ive been hurting?

how do I feel worthy again?