
I loved reading these when I was pregnant so I wanna share my birth story.

Me husband and I decided to not find out the gender of the baby. This made the final weeks even harder to bare. On Sunday April 15th I started having what I thought (boy was I wrong) the strongest cramps ever. I went into labor and delivery knowing they were 12 minutes apart but wanting to see if I moved from 3cm. They sent me home saying I was “potentially” in early labor. On Monday I stayed from work hoping things would get rolling. Nothing happened. Tuesday I went into my 39 week appointment with high hopes. I was told I was now 4cm dilated but almost all effaced. My OB gave me a good sweep and sent me home. I cramped throughout the day but that was nothing new. I planned on going to work Wednesday Bc it was my last day before maternity leave. I woke up at 5am with contractions. Mine felt like super strong menstrual cramps. So painful it made me not want to move and curl up. This lasted till 9am. I went into triage AGAIN and they sent me walking for an hr and to get checked again to see any changes. There were none so they sent me home Bc I was not dilated any more and didn’t efface anymore than my appt data.

WELLLLLLL. I was at home biting my teeth through the pain. MY CONTRACTIONS NEVER GOT LESS THAN 8 minutes apart. They kept coming that way till 6pm. I felt a trickle of water and thought I was hallucinating. I changed my underwear, had a contraction and knew I had to go Bc they were wet again. Walked back into OB triage for the third time on Wednesday the 18th. The nurses thankfully switched out so I got new ones this time around. As she was hooking me onto the monitor, I had a big contraction and my water finally had that “gush” sense. They tested it and started to get me admitted. Ladies!!! Trust your body. Even after 7 hours my contractions stayed at 8 minutes apart and I only dilated to about 4.5cm. Got epidural in, got Pitocin in. The nurse said I’d deliver around 8am. At 5:30am I kept telling her I needed to open my legs Bc I felt so much pressure. They kept ignoring me Bc I had epidural and didn’t believe I felt all of that and being a first time Mom meant my pushing stage was a good 1-3hours. WELP, I had my surprise baby girl at 6:10am on the 19th. That’s what they get for not listening to me. Everyone was running around surprised at how my “practice” pushes brought baby girl into the world. She weighs 5 pounds and 11ounces and I got a second degree tear even tho she was little! Came out with her eyes open and ready for the world! I was due the 26th.