Please don’t take this in a bad way


As a fellow 14 year old 8th grader who is insecure and feels ugly here’s some advice:

-don’t let your friends tell you that you need a lover to be happy.

-whatever makes you feel safe and comfortable is what makes YOU feel safe and it’s your own damn body so do what you feel comfortable with.

-It takes a while to feel comfortable in your own skin, I personally wake up feeling like trash and then the next day smile at myself and say: “someone probably finds me cute”

-it’s okay to want a boyfriend, a lot of ladies on this app “age- shame” meaning degrade young girls for wanting her first kiss, her first serious relationship and act like they were playing with Barbie dolls when they were 14 years old.. I mean shit man, I didn’t know this 37 year old woman had an opinion on how I dress, act, or state my own statements.

My mom and my dad are the only people who get to have an opinion on what I wear and how I act, not you.

It makes me want to pull my hair out when a girl my age posts “I really want a boyfriend or something idk” and some woman a decade older than her hates on her and treats her like a slut or like she’s 7.


get over yourselves and help encourage girls. Teach them what a condom is, that hormones are NORMAL, it’s okay to not wanna use pads, makeup is okay! So much more you wonderfully brilliant full grown women can teach us! Use your knowledge.

And for the love of almighty STOP REPLYING WITH:

“YoU wAnT AtTenTiOn”