Having some mixed emotions!

B. • 💍&👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 + 🎀 coming 11/19/18

I’m currently pregnant with #3.

I just went back to work in January after staying home for 5 years with #1 and #2 and completing my bachelors degree.

I got a call the day after graduation for an interview and started a couple weeks later.

I got great health insurance for the family .. and my step son (almost 20 yrs old) was diagnosed with cancer (stage 2 Hodgkin’s lymphoma) but is handling chemo well. My husband was the sole income earner in our house those past 5 years and seeing him work so hard and long to pay for everything used to break my heart.

I intended to work for 2 years and we’d have another baby, but apparently the best laid plans go wrong ... lol I got pregnant in late February.. a month after I began working and a month after my step sons diagnosis.

We are already paying $780 a month for #2 for daycare. My 5 year old attends the same school for kids with special needs (she has autism) but has a scholarship. The infant room costs $890 at the same school. At that rate, my entire paycheck and then some is completely gone.. the only thing I have is insurance.

I’m only 10 weeks but very money minded and plan oriented and flying by the seat of my pants when something needs planned gives me anxiety. I’m really considering just going back to being a SAHM. #2 hates daycare. #1 loves school. And saving that money would help but we really really need insurance. Every time we try to get help we are told we make too much, so that’s not an option. 😭😭 my emotions.