Questions for fertility specialist

Alison, 🌈 👶🏻 born 7/26/19

I’ve posted a lot on here lately... as I said before, we just bad our second consecutive miscarriage a week ago. I was supposed to be 9 weeks pregnant and baby only measured at 6 w 4 days. We also had one four months before that in December when we found out baby measured 8 weeks 4 days and was supposed to be 9. Both times my general obgyn attributed it to “bad luck”. However based on the fact that I’m going to be 39 in two months, I unfortunately don’t have time to waste. She said normally testing isn’t done until you have 3.. well I’m not waiting until this god forbid happens a third time. Getting pregnant is not our problem( even with my age I got pregnant both times only within 2 mos of trying). Staying pregnant appears to be our problem. Anyway I got a referral to a fertility specialist here and have an appt tomorrow. I’ve made a whole list of questions but obviously I don’t want to go bankrupt doing every single test they tell me to do as I’m also aware this is a business and these docs want to make money. I’ve already done a blood panel of testing w my obgyn for blood clotting disorders, lupus, tested my husband and my chromosomes. These results won’t come back for a few weeks. Going to a fertility specialist is a new thing for me as I thought the ability to get pregnant quickly meant we didn’t have a problem. I’ve heard horror stories from ppl

Who’ve wasted money unfortunately on specialists. I don’t want to waste money but I also want to do pass up tests which are unnecessary. Anyone who has had a similar experience to mine, can you shed some light on testing you’ve gotten that was a waste or those teats that are absolutely necessary? This will be a first consultation and unfortunately they did nothing over the phone when I asked them to really prepare me on what this first visit will be about. Thanks for your help , this has been the absolute worst time of my life and I never could have imagined I would go thru this once let alone twice.