Any advice? 30 weeks pregnant


Hi everyone, so I’m 30 weeks pregnant and yesterday I’d say Is the first day I felt uncomfortable in this pregnancy.

I noticed a few new symptoms and am not really sure what to make of them or what they are...

I wasn’t sure if it was just baby’s position pushing down on my cervix or something -

But you know that feeling like when you need to go do a number 2 (sorry tmi - but that pressure you get)

Well I had that quite a few times yesterday with a very dull period type ache lingering within my tummy and my back - the same feeling tho get when your period is about to start -

Now this probably happened like 4 times yesterday and the feeling lingered for a good 10/15 minutes each time

- and I have been having loose kind of stools the past like week - not like runny but soft and quite light? Don’t know if that makes a difference

Anyway I also got lower back pain (period like cramps in my back last night that was quick and sudden then went away

Now I don’t think I have experienced any BH contractions yet or not that I’ve noticed but just wondering if this is normal or something I should keep any eye on ?

(I was working yesterday and was on my feet a lot not sure if that could contribute ?)

Thanks any friendly advice appreciated ! FTM over here! 🤗💙