I’m fed up !

I cannot live with this man anymore . I asked him to move in with me after we lost our first child , because I couldn’t stand being away from him . Fast forward to this pregnancy ! My fiancé is a slob ! I’m not a clean freak or anything but there’s certain things I won’t do ! When he eats .. it’s in bed which contains him spilling food on the bed or leaving crumbs. Then his drinks sit on the floor which he ends up spilling on MY carpet ! He’ll cook and leave everything where it is or just won’t care and leave his clothes etc wherever! I’ve asked him to help around the house more and start pulling his weight when it comes to the house because I’m pregnant and cannot do everything. What drove me over the edge was this morning when he asked for the nail clipper and I told him it was in the top drawer. He literally stands there clipping away leaving his nail clippings in the drawer and on the floor . I’ve had it ! I cannot live like this and I won’t do it . I’m hoping that it’s the pregnancy hormones that got me pissed off the way I am . Because I’m going to ask him to leave today but if I’m overreacting then I’ll chill ..