Dear son

5 years ago Freya connected us through weirdest way and now we are even more gifted as I'm carrying our first child, a son. Last night I had a nightmare which included our baby. In the dream he was about 4 and we were going for a walk when he was taken away from my arms. I felt my heart breaking as I swore on getting my boy back no matter what. as time passed by I found the guy who took my precious away from me and I stabbed him violently with knife I got for my bf when we started our relationship. As kidnapper bled to death, I took my baby in my arms and walked out where I saw bruises all over his tiny body. My heart hurted so badly from seeing my baby hurt like that. After some time passed, police came and took us away. I ended up in court where i got the death penalty, but I wasn't upset nor sorry for what I've done. Dear son, I wasn't sorry for making guy bleed to death in my dream and I won't be if I have to do it for real. Your dad and I dreamed about you for 5 years and we can't thank the Gods enough for giving you to us. We love you no matter what, we will always be by your side and no one will ever hurt you.