i feel like idk how to be a mom

my daughter will be 11 months next week and im currently 11 weeks pregnant. idk what to do. i feel like a bad mom. i feel like my daughter hates me. i feel like idk what im doing! my daughter refuses to eat. she drinks bottles all day and very little food. i know shes falling behind and idk what to do! shouldnt she be on finger food already?! yeah shes not even close to eating finger food. what do i do? what should i give her? i have a TON of gerber food and she probably takes 1 or 2 bites and thats after me fighting her to take a bite... she eats her baby cereal better than baby food. should i give her that all day?! i just know shes falling behind, sometimes i dont even see her chewing. it scares me!! Also my daughter is constantly throwing herself back. when she doesnt get her way, when shes mad mostly. shes been doing this since about 7 months i think but lately it feels like she does it allll day. idk what to do. how can i get her to stop this? i honestly feel like she hates me... i just want to be a good mom but idk how to be one..😔 im having complications with this pregnancy too which isnt making anything easier. please someone help me out. im desperate to be a better mom...