Religion and sexuality.

So I've been brought up Christian my entire life. That's not something I'm willing to let go of. I've been struggling lately with it all though because I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that I'm not just attracted to men. My sexuality is rather fluid. I'm not really comfortable with any other label than that because, just for me personally, I don't feel it necessary. I love who I love. Now my only issue is my weird combination of pride for my own sexuality and my religion. I've always been a supporter of the LGBTQ+ community. Always. Now that I feel I'm a part of it, it's hard to find other LGBTQ+ people who are religious. Know what I'm saying? I'm not trying to sound hypocritical or offensive. I'm sorry if I come off that way, I'm new to all this. I just really want to believe that God is going to love me for who I am, no matter who I love. I'm just looking for other people who believe that too.