Am I a bad person?

I had a girlfriend who broke up with me in November, but she was kinda leading me on until March when she told me she was in love with (let’s call her Stacy), a good friend in my friend group. They were becoming closer. Initially she blamed herself for causing this rift and I assured her it wasn’t. But right after she was starting to not talk to me. She would say hi and stuff but as if I were a stranger. She says she was awkward or whatever. I dont know why, but Stacy and my ex want to be shady for some reason. My ex and I made up and we were friends. Stacy does not like me for some reason. I think it may be due to jealousy because from what I know she kinda likes my ex back. However, they aren’t dating. I dont know. But that’s not the point. I kept giving her chances so that we could be friends again. She kept saying that she’ll work on her awkwardness and try to be a better friend. Mind you, I no longer have a friend group because of her. I’m cool with my ex and another girl, which is the entire friend group. Stacy is known for doing petty things like making sly comments for me to hear, or catching my birthday time and post on snap which is a thing our group did for each other. (Yeah, we’re juniors in high school. It’s just a stupid thing we do). So this is just a backstory.

There was some festival relating to her culture on Sunday. When we were friends, we talked about how we could go to events like these and learn about each other’s cultures, so I was a little disappointed when I wasn’t invited, but I didn’t really expect anything more. The other friend (let’s call her Mary) asked Stacy would she ever think of inviting me, she replied with “Fuck outta here” She later said she said that because she didn’t want things to be awkward. That’s bs but okay. Last week, she said that she’ll be my friend and stuff. She said “I want you to come”. Her exact words. Also, I told her that if she didn’t want to be my friend she needs to y’all me instead of having me think she actually cares about me when she doesn’t. Like, if you don’t like me, tell me then leave me alone. Stop with the petty comments that are meant to make me feel worse about myself. She still says she’ll be my friend and she’ll try harder or whatever. Okay. Friday, 4/20 comes and the group takes pictures together, something we all did together before. Then they went out downtown shopping and whatever. This lead me to believe that all that talk Stacy said was bs. Because of this, I planned on not going to the event Sunday.

Sunday comes and I’m texting my ex while she’s at the event. She asked me why I didn’t come. I told her that Mary wasn’t going and I didn’t want to be a third wheel. Also, I said “Am I even wanted there?” What I didn’t know at the time was that Stacy took my ex’s phone and texted herself saying that she didn’t want me there. But I’m still thinking that it is my ex. According to her, she invited me to “be nice”. BUT SAYING THAT IM NOT WANTED CONTRADICTS YOU TRYING TO BE NICE. I WASNT GOONG ANYWAY. But just for that, I went. She saw me and left me and my ex alone at the festival. Apparently she said to my ex “If she comes you can stay with her” clearly she was jealous.

So yesterday, Monday, we didn’t speak initially, but she made a sly remark. She said something about how people go places uninvited. “Yeah, cause thats what people do now” Then I said that people wanna be fake now too. Then we got into an argument. Here’s where I’m wondering if I’m a bad person. You see, Stacy was molested as a child. And I said something like “I wasn’t really comfortable at the event because I didn’t trust the men from her country” then she said “Are you fucking serious?” And left to cry. Then my ex went and comforted her and thought that I stopped too low. But the reason why I did it was that i figured if I hurt her enough, she’d finally leave me alone. I can’t get through to her by talking, so I thought that was the only way. So yeah, I look like bad guy now. But I’ve felt like shit for two months straight, coincidentally last month was my birthday month too.

But what’s even funnier is how after she cried in the bathroom she cane out acting as if she was fine. Then at the train station she stands next to me. We do not stand together at the train station. She purposely came over, like, she skipped/hopped over next to me with a petty smile on her face. This is just to upset me. I just don’t understand what her motive is. Why can’t you just leave me alone. Even after I stoop low, she still won’t leave me alone. I didn’t react because it wasn’t anything big, but if she said something I would have responded. I never start anything, it’s always her. And she’s still trying to start stuff!!

So the question is, “Am I a bad person?” Was it wrong for me to say that?

I asked my other friend and her cousin what they thought, but gave them a hypothetical situation that I thought was equally as serious. Who watches, “Star”? SPOILER AHEAD IF YOU ARENT CAUGHT UP. Star accidentally overdosed her mother, thinking she was giving her medicine. Now she has to live with the fact that she killed her mother. I told them to imagine that it was Stacy. If I made a joke about that, would that be wrong. They took my side, but was that not as serious? I have them the hypothetical because even though I really don’t like Stacy, that’s not a secret I would be telling people. So answer this question in the comments.

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