My 4 hour Labor!


Ladies it can happen! I was so lucky to get exactly the labor I wanted. I went in for my appointment on my due date at 10:45am this morning and my OB said I was 3cm dilated and baby was very low. He stripped my membranes and I was cramping immediately. He thought I would likely deliver within 24 hours and he was right. By 11:45am I started timing regular contraction. They were about 3min 45seconds apart and lasting for about 45 seconds each. They didn’t get longer but they were getting closer to 3 min apart so after an hour of consistent contractions, we decided to drop my son off with his grandparents and either head home to handle labor or head in to the hospital depending on how I felt. By the time we dropped him off my contractions were only 2 1/2 min apart and I could feel that things were progressing so I decided we needed to head in to l&d.; When I got there, they checked me and said I was at a 5 and they were going to get a room ready. I was almost at a 7 by the time they got me into a room and by the time the nurse finished getting me checked in I was feeling pressure and was almost at 9. The OB at the hospital with my group was in surgery so they had to call a certified midwife to break my water and deliver because I NEEDED to push. After 8 min and 4 pushes after breaking my water my baby girl, Persephone Mae, was born at 4:09pm weighing 6lbs 14oz and 19” long. No pain meds, 4 hours of labor, and she was born exactly 2 hours after I walked into the hospital. We are both doing great and I couldn’t have asked for anything more 😍