My scary fast (unintentional) natural birth!🙈🤷🏻‍♀️


39+1 and was scheduled to be induced TOMORROW MORNING @7am. Woke @ 5:45 to a vice-grip cervical pain and tightening of abdomen. Was short lived (~30 sec) contraction. Got out timer and another came 6 min later. Then another 6 min later. Each a little more intense. By the 4th one I just KNEW. 5 min shower and yelling to wake kids and get in car- then it was a total blur. I had to stop and moan through each contraction and by the time we reached the hospital and got checked in it was 6:30 and I was 5cm. I begged for epidural but contractions came one on top of the next and in 15 minutes I was 7cm. Several more excruciating contractions later the anesthesiologist poked his head in the door just after I had screamed “I need to push”. He stayed while the nurse checked me again and my heart cried out when I heard her say “sorry, you are complete”. I have never screamed the way I did, but in 4 huge pushes (and me saying “I can’t do this” 65 times in a row) baby was out; and a GIRL! 😍🌈♥️😘.

45 minutes from check-in until I was holding my sweet treasure kitten. My only regret was that I didn’t listen to my sister who told me to watch hypnobirthing videos and practice breathing “just incase” there was no time for meds.....

DO THIS. Because that shit HURTS!!!! 🙈😂🙄🤷🏻‍♀