My beautiful baby girl


after 7years of ttc again, it finally happened. not only were we pregnant but we were finally getting our girl. we currently had 3boys. due to all my births being premature, docs put me on progesterone. at 26weeks my water started leaking. go to the hospital, and due to me being so early they fly me to another hospital. high risk doctors wanted to try to get me to 36weeks. which started my hospital stay. she flipped so many times during my stay that I signed c-section forms 4x. finally 8 weeks later she decided to do one last flip and she was ready to go. now I've always had issues with my pregnancies that my contractions don't show up on the monitors. I advised the doctors, but they still were dependent on them. on 3/31/18 I woke at 1am needing to go to the bathroom. something was wrong. I couldn't stand up off the toilet. I rang for the nurse who helped me to the bed, but then I couldn't sit down. my baby girl was already in the birth canal. docs run in and check me and I'm already 8cm. so now they have to transfer me from a long term room to a birthing room. I beg for my epidural and sign for it. they check me one more time and declined my epidural and any other pain meds. she was born at 2:54am. 4lbs 5.8oz 16.9 inches. 4minutes later the hubby finally gets there. the security guard was taking his sweet ti

me and my husband missed the birth of his only daughter. we got to hold her for only about 5 mins and she was off to the NICU. after 3 weeks in the NICU, we finally have our beautiful baby girl Viktoria Yazmin home with us. I wouldn't change a moment of it thou

update: 6 weeks old and we finally hit 6lbs