is 2 years old not a bit too old.

hi i just need advice. im concerned a bit about my friends two year old son. he is the same age as my daughter and with both there development, youd think there was 2 years between them. hes her first child and she dosent want him to grow up so she holds back his development. also, her and her partner are extremely lazy so they dont put the effort in. he isnt speaking a word yet. at all. they still strap him in a highchair at feed time and chop his food into tiny pieces and sat it on the high chair tray, he still isnt using a spoon or fork or feeding himself. he never smiles he is so unhappy. they leave his nappies on until they weigh a tone. they bring him ojt without shoes on. AND they have yet to teach him to drink from a cup, he is still sucking bottles, and still gets between 5/6 warm bottles of milk a day. and they still put him into a play pen to play with toys. so theh can be lazy all day. he is trained nlw to slesp until 12 in the afternoon also. i just feel he is neglected.