11 weeks pregnant and husband wants to get rid of the dog ☹😭

Beth ❤❤ • 27, - 25.10.18 Leon Alexander entered the world via emergency c section at 10.08am 💙💙 baby number 2 due december 2022 💟💟

So I am 11 weeks pregnant with our first, my husband bought our dog for me on my birthday 2 years ago. she is a lovely little border collie, who is obviously full of energy and needs a lot of attention. I work 9 hour shifts during the day and can have UP TO 4 hours of commute time on a bad day - 2 there 2 back. this means that most evenings I am too tired to walk her. my husband has been in and out of work for the past year, but any job he has been in the hours have been good I.e. usually ending work at around 3/4. He is now saying he doesn't think I do my fair share of duties with the Dog, (I feed her at night, try and take her out on the weekends). he says that I don't love him and just see him as a baby maker, and he wants to get rid of the dog. now I am an avid dog lover, I've grown up with border collies all my life and can't see not having one in my life, and for some reason he can't see that getting rid of her would destroy me, and that I would probably never forgive him/look at him the same again. here is a pic of the beautiful mutt in question

please give me advice on how I can proceed.... UPDATE - So like a typical man, after 24 hours of me giving him the silent treatment he is now trying to be all lovey dovey and even said "it's been 24 hours, can you stop being pissed off at me" I told him No, as he stressed me and baby out unnecessarily so it's his own fault.