Rhogam Shot

Allison • Mommy to a beautiful little girl and pregnant with our rainbow baby 🌈

Anyone have the Rhogam shot in early pregnancy? I had to get this shot my first pregnancy (my blood type is a-) but never had any issues like heavy bleeding or cramps.. I'm almost fives weeks pregnant per my app. I got blood work done yesterday and the doc called today with my HCG beta levels. She said it was at 46 which is average for early pregnancy and to go tomorrow to get another blood draw and my Rhogam shot. Anyways, whole point of this post, I'm bleeding. A lot. Enough I'm seriously scared something is going on bc like I said I didn't have this issue with baby #1. I was told if no cramps no problem but I literally feel like I just started my period. I've had a migraine majority of the day (honestly can't say it wasn't just from stress). Been bleeding since around my lunch(11:30 am). If you have any input on this please comment. I've already told my doc about the abundance of blood and they don't seem fazed by it bc I'm not having pain. She told me it should stop after I get my shot tomorrow. Has anyone else had a lot of bleeding in the beginning and everything turn out okay?? I know only of one person personally who had a 'period' for the first six months of her pregnancy. Still doesn't ease my mind 😣😣😣😭😭😭