what the hell NHS?! (TMI AND TIGGER POST!)

so i yesterday i woke up with some cramps and bright doscharge nothing that alarmed me. but i went to xollege went for a wee and there was bright red thick gooey discharge, no clots in it. i oaniked and called my mum who told me to ring doctors. i rang them to have a lively receptuinist tell me a doctor will call me back within 5 minutes and they did, to knly have a rude doctor tell me that if im having a miscarriage they cant and wont do anything. which i get and all i asked was the baby okay since with my son i bled very heavily and still got scanned and he was there but no she didnt care. talked down to me and said because im not 8 weeks and havent seen a midwife she wont book me a scan. i literally broke down infront of her and i was a nervous wreck, and still am amd trying to get myself together but its so hard not knowing. nhs website says early scans are booked if theres bleeding or spotting and cramps, which ive had both. going back tomorrrow and asking for a midwife to talk to me. the doctor showed no bloody sympathy ans in fact made me worry about possible eptopic pregnancy, multiples,miscarriage. a joke but im still laid in bed feeling myself bleed out and no answers to anything. if i get no help tomorrow im booking a private early scan to put my mind at ease. not only that but i have a vaginal wall blocking everything so for all i know baby could be stuck there but who cares because my doctor doesnt!💔😭