Birth Story! ❤️🍓👶

Brittney • Ciarán Leigh 4/25/18 💙 👼🏼 👼🏼 🌈 due 4/20/21

Let me start out by saying I never thought I could love someone more than I love my’s unbelievable and I am so happy!

Okay, so last night around 230am I got up to pee but my water broke with a pop instead! Hopped in the shower, and headed to the hospital. Got there around 330am, checked into the ER and my BP was almost 200/100 👀 it ended up just being nerves sending it that high, but a scary way to start everything!

Get to L&D;, the first nurse to check me had super long nails and made me cry 😭 Not dilated at all but definitely sure my water had broke! They checked my cervix again around 9am but was not dilated at all and baby had moved back up to a -4, was a -3 on Thursday last week 😑 They decided to start picotin and by 1130 my contractions were pretty unbearable! The doctor checked me at 11am and I was dilated to 2cm! He told me I should go about a cm an hour, but boy oh boy that did not happen!

Got my epidural around 130, and was thinking this whole thing was a breeze! The anesthesiologist was hilarious too and made me really comfortable 😙

Doctor comes and checks me around 2pm, and I haven’t changed at all 😫 Tells me if I don’t have any changes by 5pm, it’s going to be a cesarean 😯

5pm rolls around, I make it to a 3, but he’s still at -3 so we make the decision to not stress the baby out and get prepped for a cesarean!

I wasn’t scared until they gave me the sour drink thing to stop nausea because that’s when it all kicked in that I was about to have a baby! I started having a panic attack and was having trouble breathing the whole time, but once I heard my baby boy cry I calmed down and started bawling my eyes out!

Ciarán was born at 704pm on April 25th, weighing in at 8lbs 11oz! He was 21 inches long and has the perfect mix of his father and mines hair color lol a beautiful strawberry blonde 🍓

I am so happy I love him so much!